Our Standard Azur Xperiences Events Terms & Conditions

Standard Terms and Conditions

Our booking conditions set out clearly and simply the responsibilities which we at Azur Xperiences have to you and you, in turn, have to us when we make a contract between us. This contract is made when you make a booking and we accept it by written confirmation on these terms. If you make a booking by telephone or via the website, it will be accepted that you agree to these conditions.


When booking a Booking Package/Experience, you agree on behalf of all your party the terms of these conditions and pay the deposit stipulated for that Booking Package/Experience. Similarly, if we have your verbal authority or you have provided instructions to deduct payment from your credit/debit card, it is understood that you are in agreement with these booking conditions. Our Booking Conditions are available via the website, and a link will be sent out via electronic confirmation. Your contract with us shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales over any claim or matter arising under or in conjunction with your contract with us. You may however choose to submit to the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you are resident in either of these jurisdictions but not to any other law and/or jurisdiction. Please be aware that any Booking included in any Booking Experience may be bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Booking or Event Organiser.


These booking conditions together with our general information form the basis of your contract. Your booking is with Azur Xperiences Ltd. In the unlikely event of any problem with an online order, Azur Xperiences will contact you at the earliest opportunity. In some cases, a postal confirmation may be sent out to you if requested. All purchases are subject to full payment via BACs. We do not accept Cheques. We also reserve the right to cancel bookings which we reasonably suspect to have been made fraudulently.

NB: Booking(s) included in a Package/Experience may have a lower face value than the overall Booking Package/Experience selling price you pay and represent(s) only an element of the overall Package/Experience price.


The balance of your Booking Package/Experience payment must be made once booking confirmation has been sent and as outlined and stated on your Booking/Reservation Confirmation Invoice. If you have made your Booking Package/Experience booking within this period, the full amount is due immediately. If you do not pay by the stipulated date, we reserve the right to cancel your Booking Package/Experience and levy a cancellation charge.


If you cancel your Booking Package/Experience booking for all or any member(s) of your party, you must notify us in writing immediately to info@AzurXperiencescom. We will acknowledge this communication and send you an amended booking confirmation or cancellation invoice accordingly. Should you not receive our acknowledgement within 24 Hours during normal offices, please contact us via email at info@AzurXperiences.com. As Azur Xperiences will have made payments for services(s), Merchandise, Hospitality, Accommodation, Travel (where applicable) on your behalf to ensure your booking is secure, cancellation costs will be incurred. The following cancellation charges will therefore apply. Exceptions: - In some instances, the initial deposit paid to Azur Xperiences will not cover payments that have been made in good faith by Azur Xperiences on your behalf eg; to Hotels, Transportation Companies and Event Booking Suppliers etc. and in many cases, bookings/reservations once made on your behalf, with said suppliers, maybe non-transferable/refundable. Any insurance premiums are non-refundable.


You are responsible for ensuring that you adhere to instructions provided by Azur Xperiences in respect to check-in times/arrival/departure points if applicable. Azur Xperiences cannot be liable for any loss or expense suffered by clients because of their late arrival or failure to adhere to procedure provided in accordance with check-in/arrival instructions if applicable.


Should the destination for your chosen Event Package/Experience require travel outside of your resident country, a full Passport/ID is usually required for travel. Please note that it is the responsibility of the client to be in possession of a Valid Passport/ID with normally a (minimum validity of 6 months) and any Visa that may be required. Long delays in obtaining Passports/ID Cards and Visas can occur, so be sure to apply well in advance of Travel/Event Date. If in doubt, please check with the consulates of all the countries you will be visiting or passing through. Azur Xperiences cannot be liable for any loss or expense suffered if you do not adhere to these requirements.

6. ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE (Subject to Venue and Booking Conditions)

Please be advised the venue reserves the right to refuse admission should patrons breach any terms and conditions of the event or Event Partner. The venue may on occasions have to conduct security searches to ensure the safety of the patrons.

Every effort to admit latecomers will be made at a suitable break in the event, but admission cannot always be guaranteed.

There normally will be no pass-outs or re-admissions of any kind.

The unauthorised use of photographic and recording equipment is prohibited. Any photos, videos and/or recordings may be destroyed or deleted. Laser pens, mobile phones, dogs (except guide dogs) and a patron's own food and drink may also be prohibited. You and other ticket holders consent to filming and sound recording as members of the audience.

Special effects which may include, without limitation, sound, audiovisual, pyrotechnic effects or lighting effects may be featured at an event.


Once we have confirmed we have available space on the Booking Package/Experience of your choice, you will be required to confirm your booking by agreeing to pay a deposit / or full payment. Once payment has been successfully processed you will receive a formal booking confirmation directly thereafter, usually by email. From this time Azur Xperiences has accepted your booking under the Terms and Conditions. Please ensure your email address is entered correctly at the time of booking.


It is possible that circumstances may arise which make changes to the advertised Booking Package/Experience. Should this be a fundamental change to the Booking Type, Date, we will do our very best to offer you an alternative package/experience. In the event that this is not acceptable, a full refund will apply at the discretion of Azur Xperiences Event Organisers.

Material Alteration to your Booking Package/Experience. If an event is materially altered, you will be offered an option to either reconfirm your order for the altered event or to claim a refund within such time as specified by us. Failure to inform us of your decision may result in your order being reconfirmed for the altered event and you will not be entitled to claim a refund. A 'material alteration' is a change which, in our and the Event Organisers reasonable opinion, makes the Event materially different to the Event that purchasers of Booking Package/Experiences, taken generally, could reasonably expect.

Important note: Compensation payments do not apply to changes caused by reason of war, riots, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, natural and nuclear disasters, fire, flood, technical problems to transport, closure or congestion of airports and ports, cancellation changes of schedules by schedule airlines /trains concert/event cancellation and similar events beyond our control. Any travel or arrangements not booked by Azur Xperiences are outside our control even if they were to affect your booking arrangements with Azur Xperiences.


We do try to ensure that your experience with us is as enjoyable as possible. However, very occasionally, something might go wrong. If you do encounter a problem, please inform our Host(s) immediately who will try and resolve the matter there and then. If the matter cannot be resolved immediately, the details will be recorded by our Host(s) and you will be asked to contact the Azur Xperiences office by telephone or email as soon as possible and no later than 21 days after the event. You will be asked to put your complaint in writing, including your original booking number and all relevant information. Please email: info@AzurXperiences.com

We can normally agree on an amicable settlement. However, in the unlikely event of us being unable to do so, you may of course refer your case to the Small Claims Court which provides an inexpensive way of settling disputed claims.

Please note; We will not accept liability in respect of claims that we receive later than 21 days after the date you attended the event.


We will take note of any special requests made at the time of booking and will look where possible to assist. We regret that we cannot guarantee any requests will be possible.


Please ensure that we are advised of any party members with Disability at the time of booking or as soon after as possible as special arrangements may have to be made. Whilst we will do our best to assist, in some cases Venues, Accommodation and Experiences may not be conducive to clients with disabilities. In the event that we are unable to accommodate any special needs, a full refund will apply, subject to being advised of any special requirements at the time of booking. Carers will normally be required to pay for tickets.


We accept responsibility for the actions and/or omissions of our employees, agents, subcontractors and suppliers whilst they are acting within the scope of their employment with us. We also accept responsibility should the service we offer prove deficient in any way. In the unlikely event, if any part of your Booking Package/Experience is not provided in the advertised manner, we will refund that element of the Booking Package/Experience.

We will not however be responsible for nor accept liability for death, bodily injury or illness caused to the signatory to the contract and/or any named person on the booking form save insofar as such death, bodily injury or illnesses caused by the negligence of Azur Xperiences or its employees or agents of the same. Where services are supplied by air/train, or by sea the limit of our obligations shall be those laid down by international conventions which govern such matters in respect of air /train or sea carriers.


Where appropriate and subject to our discretion, we offer the following Assistance to our clients.

a) General Assistance. If any client who through misadventure suffers illness, personal injury or death during the period of the Booking Package/Experience arising out of an incident which did not form part of their Booking Package/Experience.

b) If legal action is undertaken by our clients against any third party as a result of any loss or damage suffered during their Booking Package/Experience provided we have been notified within 90 days of the date of the misadventure and provided we agree to such action then we will meet initial legal costs.

c) If assistance is provided under para a) and b) above we will limit any monies paid to £5000.00 per booking form and in the event of there being a successful claim for costs against a third party or there being a suitable insurance policy(ies) in force our costs shall be recoverable from the client concerned.

d) In the event of a claim under this clause against us by you or any person named on the booking form we reserve the right to claim in your place against the person or organisation responsible for the act, default or omission on giving rise to the claim and you hereby agree to assist us fully in the event that enforce the rights which have been assigned to us or to which we are surrogated.

14. EVENT CANCELLATION (NB: This may not cover all personal cancellation circumstances)

Our responsibility is to provide you with the Booking and Experience in respect to the Event as advertised by Azur Xperiences, consequently, we cannot be responsible for any expenses incurred by yourself as a result of the event being cancelled/postponed by the event organisers. Any pre-booked Hotel Accommodation as part of your Booking Experience could be non-refundable, dependent on when the Event is cancelled/postponed or if you have checked in and utilised the room. Similarly, should you for personal reasons not be able to continue with your booking, cancellation charges will apply. We therefore strongly recommend taking out Event/Personal Cancellation Cover and can be selected at the time of booking.


Very occasionally we are obliged to cancel a particular Booking Package/Experience due to insufficient numbers; in the event of this happening, we will offer you where possible an alternative Booking Package/Experience or if this is unacceptable, we will refund all monies paid.


We always endeavour to ensure that prices quoted on our website are accurate. Should any subsequent additions to your booking take place, subject to availability, any additional services or ticket additions may reflect the new selling price. Please note, Booking and VIP Booking Experiences can comprise of many other ancillary costs and will be priced accordingly - NB: The Booking Face value of ticket(s) included, will not always reflect prices paid in a Booking or VIP Booking Experience and any Premium Priced purchase is an optional purchase over that of a Booking Only Purchase.


Bookings may be sold subject to certain restrictions on entry or use, such as restricted, obstructed or side view or a minimum age for entry. Any such restriction shall be displayed on our website or otherwise notified to you before or at the time you book the tickets. It is your responsibility to ensure that you read all notifications displayed on our website.

You may not resell or transfer your Booking or VIP Booking Package/Experience. Any resale or transfer (or attempted resale or transfer) is grounds for seizure or cancellation of that Booking without refund or other compensation. We will however allow name changes on occasions subject to the discretion of Azur Xperiences and proof of legitimacy. A Booking or VIP Booking Package/Experience shall not be used for advertising, promotions, contests or sweepstakes, unless formal written permission is given by Azur Xperiences, provided that even if such consent is obtained, use of our trademarks and other intellectual property is subject to our prior consent.


All information displayed on the Azur Xperiences Website is provided in good faith - Azur Xperiences cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies - please advise our events team at info@AzurXperiences.com of any inaccuracies /errors are found.


Azur Xperiences only collects personal information about you (for example your name, address, telephone number, email address) but never credit/debit/payment card details during any transaction and only when you specifically provide us with such information, on a voluntary basis, for example when purchasing or enquiring about event tickets, packages online. Any personal information Azur Xperiences collect via our website will never be released or sold to any companies or individuals.

We will not share your personal information for marketing or any other purposes without your consent unless where required by law. Full compliance with Data Protection is in place at all times.

Azur Xperiences takes the security of your personal data extremely seriously and abides by the updated General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective from 25th May 2018 and which supersedes the previous Data Protection Act 1998. Please see below how we handle your personal data and what rights you have.

What personal data is collected Personal data that you provide is likely to include but is not limited to:-

Name(s) including those as detailed in your booking:

  • Gender

  • Age/DOB (where applicable)

  • Postal Address

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number(s)

  • IP Address (if booking online) this does not identify you personally

You may also provide us with requests regarding special diet or special information in order to note in your booking on health grounds with a view to us assisting wherever possible in this regard.

Any personal data provided by you or others in your booking is solely used in connection with your booking with us and this information is given freely by you or on behalf of others in your booking, by telephone or when booking online via our website, email or fax. You may also choose to subscribe to our newsletter, which you can always unsubscribe from at any time, by selecting unsubscribe. You may also receive news alerts if you have subscribed to our social media options, including for example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Our Blog.

Purpose of personal data processing:

We use the information you provide us with, to secure the Booking Related/Event Experience/Package(s) as you have requested in your name or on behalf of any other party member in your booking. By making a purchase from this site you are consenting to your financial and/or personal information being passed to any third party organisations necessary to process your transactions with Azur Xperiences, such as credit/payment card companies, banks and the companies that handle transaction processing on our behalf. Except for these specific cases, we will never share financial information with third parties without your specific consent and again this would not relate to any payment card details which are not held/stored on our systems or by our company.

Storage of personal data

We store your personal information securely and may be held on our systems for up to 15 years, however, you can request that we delete your records at any time.

In some cases, we may need to store data for longer periods when required by law (e.g. accounting law) or, for example, complaints.

Who may be processing personal data

Your personal information is processed by our trained staff, our website system services and related administrative services, including PCI Compliant payment processing companies on our behalf with whom we have contract agreements for the protection of personal data .

Elements of your personal data may also be processed within the industry, such as venues, hotels/accommodation providers and transportation companies. This will only be as required, to fulfil our obligations to you, relating to the relevant elements of the services you require, in conjunction with the Booking/Event Experience you have booked with us. As Azur Xperiences act as appointed agents on an Official Basis, for Artist(s), Artist or Event Management and their Promoters, we may be required to share your data in respect to Booking Validation and they may subsequently contact you to provide additional information concerning the Event or Show or to provide information relating to the security of the Event or Show and Artist/Event News - You can unsubscribe at any time from any information they provide.

Processing of personal data in countries outside the EU and EEA

Depending on the country/destination your Booking/Event or Package you have booked is located and which partners we may use to fulfil our obligations to you, elements of your personal data may be processed outside the EU and EEA. Similarly, if the destination of a Booking/Event Experience or Package is within the EU/EEA, it may be the transport companies and accommodation organisations or partners we use, may be based outside the EU / EEA. This said, at all times only the necessary information required for the execution of the Booking/Event Experience or Package and other services is provided to our contracted partners.

By submitting your personal information to us, you agree that we may process personal data outside the EU and the EEA and that you are aware that privacy data protection may be lower than that legislated in the EU and EEA.

Your rights to information about you

You have the right, at any time, to withdraw your consent to processing the information you have provided to us.

This means that you can also request rectification or deletion of your personal information. Such a request is to be made in writing to us. Your data will then be corrected or deleted as soon as possible and within a month of your request. If you have a current Booking/Event Experience or Package booking that has yet to take place or has been completed, your data on your request will be deleted as soon as is possible to do or within one month after completion of the Booking/Event Experience or Package unless otherwise required by law. You can also contact us with the request to have access to the registered information we have about you, which we will provide as soon as is possible and within a month of any request.


You are to ensure you have adequate insurance for their own requirements, including personal accident and travel insurance, prior to attending any Azur Xperiences event.

You agree to use best endeavours to ensure that you and your Guests at the Event will have separate and adequate insurance cover to protect them and their property against the risk of injury or harm accruing to them as a result of attending the Event. Company shall not be liable in any circumstances for any personal injury or loss of damage to personal property at an Event.

It is the responsibility of the client to adequately insure themselves against postponement or cancellation, for whatever reason, of the event/occasion.


Release and Waiver of Responsibility

1. Assumption of the Risks

With full knowledge and understanding of the risks associated with my participation in the Event, I enter the Event voluntarily and fully accept and assume every such risk for loss, damage, or personal injury (including death).

2. Compliance with Terms and Conditions

I agree to comply with all the Event’s terms and conditions of entry. I acknowledge and understand that the Organiser of the Event will use reasonable efforts to ensure that all other participants abide by the terms and conditions of entry, but that it cannot guarantee that the participants will abide by these terms and conditions.

3. Release of Liability

In consideration for being permitted to participate in the Event, I hereby waive, release, and forever discharge, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives, any and all rights and/or claims which I have, may have, or may hereafter accrue to me against the Organiser, its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and event sponsors for any and all damages, personal injuries (including death), and/or claims which may be sustained by me or my vehicle directly or indirectly arising out of my participation in the Event (including the application of emergency or medical services at the Event) even if the damages, injuries (including death), and/or claims are caused by the negligence of those persons listed above or otherwise (including out of the transportation of my vehicle by air arranged by the Organiser) save that nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed as excluding or limiting the Organiser’s liability for personal injury or death arising from its negligence or the negligence of persons under its control. Further, I covenant not to sue the Organiser, its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents and Event sponsors for any and all damages, personal injuries (including death), and/or claims which may be sustained by me directly or indirectly arising out of my participation in the Event. This release and discharge include, but is not limited to, claims for personal injury, death, property damage, economic loss, breach of contract, lost wages, contribution indemnity, indemnity, punitive damages, negligence, or any other legally recognisable claim arising out of my participation in the Event (including all legal costs associated with such claims).

4. Indemnity

I hereby agree to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Organiser, its officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, Event sponsors and licensees and assigns from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, suits, liabilities or actions arising directly or indirectly out of my actions or otherwise from my participation in the Event whether made or claimed during or after the Event, including all associated costs and expenses and any amounts which the Organiser may pay as a settlement or compromise of any such claims or liabilities. I have read this waiver, fully understand its terms, and understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it. I have done so freely and without inducement, coercion, or duress. I intend this waiver to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. I agree that, if any portion of this waiver is held to be invalid, the balance of the waiver shall continue in full force and effect. Please note that by completing the booking form and accepting these terms and conditions you are concluding a legally binding agreement with us to participate in the Event on these terms and conditions.

By making payment and by booking your place, you accept and acknowledge that:

You have read and fully understand the Terms and Conditions contained within this Agreement;

You agree and abide by the Terms and Conditions contained within this Agreement;

You have read, fully understand and accept the terms of the Waiver;

You acknowledge and accept that you have had the opportunity to take independent legal advice.